Social Events
Hotel Info
Local Info

Official Language
The official language of the conference is English and will be used for all presentations and printed materials.
Local Time Zones
In October, Paris, FRANCE will be observing Central European Summer Time (CEST), which is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) plus two hours.
Dialing Codes
France's International Country code: +33
Paris' Local Area Codes: 1
The weather in Paris in October is pleasant with the following temperatures:
Normal High: 15°C/59°F
Normal Low: 7°C/44°F
For local weather updates, please visit CNN's Weather website
Currency Exchange
The unit of currency in Paris is the Euro (EUR) and it is acceptable at regular stores and restaurants. Euro notes and coins can therefore be used in any country belonging to the euro zone: France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece. The exchange rate fluctuates daily. For current exchange rates, please visit www.exchangerate.com.
Traveler's Checks and Credit Cards
Credit cards, including MasterCard® and Visa® and traveler's checks are accepted at most hotels, restaurants, department stores, and souvenir shops.
Tipping Standards
In France, all prices shown include tax and service (the latter is around 15% of the total price). However, if the service has been particularly good, you may wish to leave a tip in order to show your appreciation. As a general rule, the amount is 5 to 10% of the total bill.
VAT Refund
For information regarding the refund of VAT for participants outside the European Union, information and forms can be obtained from the following:
Direction Générale de Impôts
Service des Remboursements de TVA des assujjettis étrangers
10, rue d'Uzès
75080 Paris Cedex 2
Electric current in France is 220 volts, 50 Hz. An adaptor must be used with appliances from the United States or elsewhere that operates on a different voltage.
Weights and measures
The system of measurement used in France, as in the majority of European countries, is the metric system, and temperatures are expressed in degrees Centigrade. Also, a comma and not a point, as in English-speaking countries, indicate decimals in France.
Conference Attire
Attire during the duration of the conference is business casual.
Cellular Phones, Pagers and Watch Alarms
As a courtesy to our speakers and other attendees, please turn off any cellular phones, pagers and watch alarms during sessions.
Cameras and Video Tape Recording
Cameras and video tape recorders are strictly prohibited in the sessions, poster presentations and the exhibit area. Film or video will be confiscated.
All meeting rooms and seated functions are smoke free.