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Poster Instructions


Art Award Overview

Art Award Guidelines

Art Award Submission

Lab on a Chip/Corning Inc. Pioneers in Miniaturization Prize
An award given for young-to-mid-career scientists, the prize recognizes outstanding contributions to the understanding and development of miniaturized systems. Additional information regarding this award.

Analytical Chemistry Young Innovator Award
This award, sponsored by the journal, Analytical Chemistry and the Chemical and Biological Microsystems Division (CBMS), recognizes the contributions of an individual who has demonstrated exceptional technical advancement and innovation in the field of micro- or nanofluidics in his or her early career. Additional information regarding this award.

Lab on a Chip Widmer Poster Award
The Widmer Poster Award Competition sponsored by the Lab on a Chip is an award given to recognize excellence amongst the annual MicroTAS Conference poster presenters. A review committee will select the overall best-presented poster from the poster session and all presented posters will be reviewed for this honor. The winner and award will be announced during the Awards Ceremony at the MicroTAS Conference.

CHEMINAS Poster Award
The MicroTAS Conference announces the Young Researcher Poster Award Competition sponsored by The Society for Chemistry and Micro-Nano Systems (CHEMINAS) to recognize excellence among its participants. Attendees will select on a daily basis the best presented posters from the poster session. The winners and awards will be announced during the Awards Ceremony at the annual MicroTAS Conference.

NIST/Lab on a Chip Art in Science Award
To draw attention to the aesthetic value in scientific illustrations while still conveying scientific merit, the µTAS Conference features an award titled, "Under the Looking Glass: Art from the World of Small Science" sponsored by NIST and Lab on a Chip. Applications are encouraged from any person attending the µTAS Conference and the winner will be selected by a panel of senior scientists in the field of µTAS.

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