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Nanoscribe GmbH
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, 76344 GERMANY
phone: +49-721-6082-8840
fax: +49-721-6082-8848

Booth 28

Nanoscribe´s laser lithography systems are designed for the fabrication of true three-dimensional micro- and nanostructures into photosensitive materials. The unique performance is based on two photon polymerization. Almost arbitrary complex shaped polymer structures with finest feature size in the sub-micrometer range were achieved. Speed, precision and extraordinary resolution are the key features of Nanoscribe's table-top and fully automated 3D printers. The unique ability to structure in 3D with sub-micrometer feature sizes in supreme quality opens up a multitude of applications. It´s ranging from 3D photonics, cell biology and biomimetics, micro-optics and micro-fluidics, mechanical metamaterials to micro rapid prototyping. The portfolio additionally comprises in-house developed resists tailored to the different needs of customers.

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