microTAS2005 Boston
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Travel Information

The Deadline for On-line Registration has passed.

If you wish to register on-site, please bring the completed PDF Registration Form with you to the conference.
  1. If you wish to register off-line or make changes to an existing registration, please use the PDF Registration Form
  2. Complete the form below. Required fields are denoted with a *
  3. Use the Payment Button corresponding to your preferred payment method.
  4. Credit Card information will be collected after submitting via the "Credit Card" button (Visa or MasterCard ONLY).
* Institution: Industry Academia Research/Lab Government

* Region: Americas Asia/Oceania Europe/Africa

* Salutation: Dr. Prof. Mr. Mrs. Ms.
* First/Given Name:
* Last Name/Surname:
Degree: (M.D., Ph.D., etc)
* Nametag:
(first name or nickname...as you wish it to appear on your nametag)

* Organization:

* Street Address:
* City:
* Zip/Postal Code:
* Country:

(include country code before phone and fax numbers, i.e. 1-800-555-1212)

* Telephone:
Fax: *required for Bankwire Payment
* Email:

* Are you the presenting author of a paper to be given at this conference?
Yes No

* Include name on electronic mailing list made available to supporters/attendees?
Yes No

Special Requirements

* Full Conference Fee
Early Bird
On or Before
13-JUL-05 to

* Daily Conference Fee
Registration Rate
per Day
Which Day(s)
     Participant$250Mon  Tue  Wed  Thu

* Name of Student's Advisor: (required for Student registration)

Conference Proceeding and CD-ROM
One Conference Proceeding/CD-ROM set is included with your registration.
Select additional Conference Proceeding/CD-ROM sets if desired ($100 each).

     Tuesday Evening in the Stars - Conference Banquet
          (Tickets NOT included in the conference fee)
@ $60

     Guest Name(s) for Nametag(s) (If applicable)
          First and Last Name
          First and Last Name

Registration payment, in US Dollars only, is due within 10 days of receipt of your registration. The registration fee includes program material, (1) Technical Digest and CD-ROM, exhibit hall access, welcome reception, refreshment/coffee breaks, and a 20% non-refundable cancellation fee. A $50 fee will be charged for all substitutions. All requests for refunds must be received in writing no later than September 22, 2005. No refunds will be made after this date.


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