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Workshop 1

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Workshop 4

Workshop 5

Workshop 6

Workshop 7

Workshop 8

Workshop 9

Workshop 10

Workshop 11

Workshop 8 (Afternoon 2:00 - 5:00)


Jian Zhou, University of Illinois, Chicago
Ian Papautsky, University of Illinois, Chicago

Workshop Description: Inertial phenomena in microfluidic systems are of growing interest due to their ability to manipulate bioparticles. Recent studies demonstrated these effects in microchannels of various geometries, including straight, spiral, and serpentine channels. This workshop aims to expose the inertial microfluidic phenomena for applications in bioparticle separation, enrichment, and ordering. Attendees will gain working knowledge of the fundamentals governing the inertial microfluidics, the approaches used to study these phenomena, and new ways they can be exploited. The workshop is aimed at students, post-docs, faculty, as well as R&D scientists and engineers with interest in inertial microfluidic phenomena and their biomedical applications.

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