Courses » Workshop 4

Petra Paič, Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies of the Italian National Research Council, IFN-CNR
Billy Huang, Nebulum Technologies
Vincent Haguet, CEA Grenoble, France

Workshop Description:
This workshop will present the advantages of 3D image acquisition, comparing different microscopy techniques and their properties, as well as sample pre-processing techniques and data post processing methods.

Overview of Material to Be Covered and What Attendees Can Expect to Take Away From the Workshop:
Why moving to 3D microscopy? Which technique best fits my application? Which practical challenges must be addressed?
These are just few of the questions that this workshop aims to answer.

More in details, this is the list of topics covered in the framework of three lectures:
  • Properties, pros, and cons of different 3D microscopy techniques, including Confocal Microscopy, 2P-Microscopy, Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, up to super resolution techniques. A concluding glace on the advantages offered by the synergy between microfluidics and microscopy is envisaged.
  • Major practical challenges related to 3D whole tissue image acquisition and corresponding solutions. Indeed, molecular phenotyping of intact tissue samples 3D allows better understanding of biological mechanisms in health and disease. This requires tissue clearing, whole tissue immunolabeling, advanced microscopy techniques, and computational approach.
  • Principles and applications of in-line holography, including 2D and 3D imaging of cells, organoids, bacterial colonies and protein microcrystals. This technique, also referred to as lens-free imaging, provides new capabilities to capture images, enabling the exhaustive counting and morphology characterization of the 3D biological objects on a wide field of view.
Who Should Attend:
Students and researchers interested in advanced microscopy techniques, 3D whole tissue imaging, and in cell and organoid cultures.

Participants Will Need the Following:
Laptop/Desktop computer.