Program » Program Overview

All indicated times in the program below are US Eastern Time - World Clock

Program Overview

Changes will be made at the discretion of the Program Chairs.

This online MicroTAS 2020 conference is a hybrid event featuring pre-recorded oral presentations (plenary and keynote talks), live sessions (Q&A session, panel discussions and award ceremony), as well as on-demand/streaming presentations available content (posters and flash presentations).

Pre-recorded talks will be streamed at the time indicated on the program below and available at other times to accommodate for the time difference between attendees. Questions can be submitted ahead of the Q&A sessions. Live Q&A sessions following the talks will be recorded and made available on the platform for the rest of the conference, for attendees who cannot attend the live event. All on-demand content will remain available to attendees for the entire duration of the conference through the digital platform.

Attendees will be able to communicate with each other and "meet" at any time, through an app during the entire duration of the conference, to continue scientific exchanges beyond the allocated time at the poster sessions and for social interactions. There are also ample opportunities to discuss other topics (e.g., panel discussions), to socialize (e.g.,. quizzes, coffee breaks), to pitch your business idea (Shark Tank), as well as interacting with industrial exhibitors (e.g., industrial stage, live demos).

As any year, two prestigious awards (the Young Innovator Award and the Pioneers in Miniaturization) will be given during the conference, followed by invited talks by the recipients. The conference will end up by an award ceremony with multiple poster prizes, NEW flash presentation awards, and the Art in Science awards, all supported by our multiple sponsors - Check this link for more information!

Panel Discussions - NEW!
The MicroTAS community is a diverse one, with researchers coming from different countries and are at different stages of their career and life. The series of panel discussions are catered to discuss pertinent issues relevant to various groups of researchers within our community.
  • Women career in academia (Monday)
  • Ethics in science (Monday)
  • Women career in industry (Wednesday)
  • Early academic career advice (Wednesday)
  • Parenting in Science and work life balance (Thursday)
  • PhD and Postdoc training abroad (Thursday)
Shark Tank

We know that entrepreneurial spirit is strong in the MicroTAS community. Many of you have great ideas that they would like to see become reality, and want to start a new venture to make that happen. The key to convincing others to fund your ideas or to join your team is your pitch. The MicroTAS Shark Tank is an event where you can submit your pitch, perfect it, receive feedback, and start the process of getting attention for your ideas.

Quizzes - NEW!

Small quizzes will be organized every day for all attendees. On Friday, a larger "Quiz" will be a broadcast in the style of a gameshow. Participants will be selected throughout the conference for this final quiz!